ACEA EUROPEAN OIL SEQUENCES FOR LIGHT-DUTY ENGINES 2021 SERVICE FILL ENGINE OILS for GASOLINE & LIGHT-DUTY DIESEL ENGINES (A/B Categories), GASOLINE & LIGHT-DUTY DIESEL ENGINES with EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT DEVICES (C Categories) Date Update ACEA 30 April 2021 Rev. 0 Initial Release of ACEA 2021 LIGHT-DUTY ENGINE Avenue des Nerviens 85 OIL SEQUENCES B-1040 Bruxelles Tel (32) 2 732 55 50 TVA BE 444 072 631 SGB 210-0069404-04 ACEA 2021 EUROPEAN OIL SEQUENCES April 2021 ACEA FOR LIGHT-DUTY ENGINE SERVICE-FILL OILS Rev.0 ACEA EUROPEAN OIL SEQUENCES, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS are an integral constituent for compliance with requirements specified in this document. VALIDITY OF OLD AND NEW EDITIONS OF ACEA LIGHT-DUTY OIL SEQUENCES As new sequence editions are published older editions have to be withdrawn. Validities of new and old editions are overlapping for limited periods of time as shown in the following table and the accompanying text below. When a new ACEA Oil Sequence is introduced, oils with claims against the previous issue can be marketed only for another two years. Sequence Issue First allowable use Mandatory for new claims Oils with this claim may be marketed until 2004 1st November 2004 1st November 2005 31st December 2009 2007 1st February 2007 1st February 2008 23rd December 2010 2008 22nd December 2008 22nd December 2009 22nd December 2012 2010 22nd December 2010 22nd December 2011 22nd December 2014 2012 14th December 2012 14th December 2013 1st December 2018 2016 1st December 2016 1st December 2017 1st May 2023* 2021 1st May 2021* 1st May 2022* *) ACEA LIGHT-DUTY OIL SEQUENCES only - First allowable use means that claims cannot be made against the specification before the date indicated. - Mandatory for new claims means that from this date onward all claims for new oil formulations must be made according to the latest ACEA Oil Sequences issue. Up to that date new claims can also be made according to the previous ACEA Oil Sequences issue. After the date indicated no new claims according to the previous ACEA Sequence can be made. Then all oil formulations must be developed according to the latest ACEA Oil Sequence release. - Oils with this claim may be marketed until means that no further marketing of oils with claims to this issue is allowed after the date indicated. The supplier of any oil claiming ACEA performance requirements is responsible for all aspects of product liability. Where limits are shown relative to a reference oil, then these must be compared to the last valid reference result on that test stand prior to the candidate and using the same hardware. Further details are in the ATIEL Code of Practice. Where claims are made that oil performance meets the requirements of the ACEA Oil Sequences (e.g. product literature, packaging, labels) they must specify the ACEA Class and Category (see Nomenclature & ACEA Process for definitions). Page 2 of 3 ACEA 2021 EUROPEAN OIL SEQUENCES April 2021 ACEA FOR LIGHT-DUTY ENGINE SERVICE-FILL OILS Rev.0 «Consumer Language»: A/B: Gasoline and Diesel Engine Oils – “High SAPS” A3/B3 Category withdrawn with these Oil Sequences. Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use in passenger car and light-duty gasoline & diesel engines and/or for extended oil drain intervals where specified by the engine manufacturer. A3/B4 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use at extended oil drain intervals in passenger car and light-duty gasoline & DI diesel engines, but also suitable for applications described under A3/B3. A5/B5 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use at extended oil drain intervals in passenger car and light-duty gasoline & DI diesel engines designed for low viscosity engine oils with HTHS viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPas. These engine oils are unsuitable for use in certain engines - consult vehicle-OEM’s owner’s manual/handbook in case of doubt. A7/B7 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use at extended oil drain intervals in passenger car and light-duty gasoline & DI diesel engines designed for low viscosity engine oils with HTHS viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPas. Relative to A5/B5 these engine oils provide also low speed pre-ignition- and wear protection for turbo

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