ACEA EUROPEAN OIL SEQUENCES 2016 SERVICE FILL ENGINE OILS for GASOLINE & LIGHT DUTY DIESEL ENGINES (A/B Categories), GASOLINE & LIGHT DUTY DIESEL ENGINES with EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT DEVICES (C Categories), and HEAVY DUTY DIESEL ENGINES (E Categories) Date Update ACEA 2 December 2016 Rev. 0 First version of ACEA Oil Sequences 2016 Avenue des Nerviens 85 27 November 2017 Rev. 1 Corrections: 1040 Brussels • CEC L-105-12 not required for category A3/B3 Belgium • CEC L-109-16 renamed to CEC L-109-14 • Editing corrections Tel (32) 2 732 55 50 30 November 2018 Rev. 2 Update: • Daimler M271 with new RL261 and related limit update - see also footnote No. 2.4 (A/B and C categories) • Seq. VH applicability incl. related API SN Limits TVA BE 444 072 631 added - see footnote No. 2.2 SGB 210-0069404-04 (A/B and C categories) 1 July 2020 Rev. 3 Update: • CEC L-107-19 replaces the Daimler M271 with new limits (A/B and C categories) • ASTM D892 can be used with or without Option A Page 1 of 14 ACEA ACEA 2016 EUROPEAN OIL FOR SERVICE-FILL OILS July 2020 Rev.3 This document details the ACEA 2016 European Oil Sequences for Service-fill Oils for Gasoline engines, for Light Duty Diesel engines, for Gasoline & Diesel engines with after treatment devices and for Heavy Duty Diesel engines. These sequences define the minimum quality level of a product for presentation to ACEA members. Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits. The ACEA 2016 European Oil Sequences for Service-fill Oils comprise 3 sets (classes) of sequences: one for Gasoline and Light Duty Diesel engines; one specifically for Gasoline and Light Duty Diesel engines with after treatment devices and one for Heavy Duty Diesel engines. Within each of these sets there are categories which reflect different performance requirements – three (A3/B3, A3/B4 & A5/B5) for Gasoline and Light Duty Diesel Engines, five (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) specifically for Engines with After Treatment Devices, and four (E4, E6, E7, E9) for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines. Typical applications for each sequence are described below for guidance only. Specific applications of each sequence are the responsibility of individual engine manufacturers for their own vehicles / engines. The Oil Sequences define the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and presentation to ACEA members. Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits. These Oil Sequences will replace the ACEA 2012 Oil Sequences as a means of defining engine lubricant quality as of 1 December 2016. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF PERFORMANCE CLAIMS AGAINST THE ACEA OIL SEQUENCES ACEA requires that any claims for Oil performance to meet these Oil Sequences must be based on credible data and controlled tests in accredited test laboratories. ACEA requires that engine performance testing used to support a claim of compliance with these ACEA Oil Sequences should be generated according to the European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System, EELQMS (available at, but ACEA reserves the right to define alternatives in exceptional cases. EELQMS addresses product development testing and product performance documentation, and involves the registration of all candidate and reference oil testing and defines the compliance process. Compliance with the ATIEL Code of Practice1, which forms part of the EELQMS, is mandatory for any claim to meet the requirements of this issue of the ACEA sequences. Therefore, ACEA requires that claims against the ACEA Oil Sequences can only be made by oil companies or oil distributors who have signed the EELQMS oil marketers’ Letter of Conformance (for details: The ACEA Oil Sequences are subject to continuous development. Replacement tests and other changes required by the European vehicle manufacturers are integrated and new issues are published on a regular basis. As new editions are published older editions have to be withdrawn. Validities of new and old editions are overlapping for limited periods of time as shown in the following table and the accompanying text below. When a new ACEA Oil Sequence is introduced, oils with claims against the previous can be marketed only

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