Kevin Ferrick Sr. Manager, Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Global Industry Services 1220 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4070 USA Telephone 1-202-682-8233 Fax 1-202-962-4739 Email February 15, 2018 TO: API Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System (EOLCS) Licensees, API Lubricants Standards Group, Other Interested Parties SUBJECT: Addendum 7 API 1509, Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System, 17th Edition, September 2012 (Addendum 1 October 2014) On November 9, 2017, the API Lubricants Standards Group approved the adoption of SN PLUS, a new classification that may be used in conjunction with API SN and API SN with Resource Conserving. The user language and requirements for the new classification are part of this notice and may also be downloaded from documents/documents/api-1509-documents. API plans to license oils against the SN PLUS classification, but the date on which SN PLUS licensed oils will appear in the API Directory of Licensees and licensed marketers will be permitted to display SN PLUS in the lower portion of the API Service Symbol Donut still needs to be determined. A decision on the first licensing date will be made after API and the Lubricants Standards Group have vetted Base Oil Interchange/Viscosity Grade Read Across guidelines for the Sequence IX test. As marketers consider developing oils that comply with the SN PLUS classification, they should keep the following points in mind:  Marketers may identify oils that meet all of the requirements of the standards as meeting API SN with SN PLUS or API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving prior to the date of first licensing but may not state or imply API certification or licensing of SN PLUS in advance of that date.  Marketers that want API to license their oils as meeting API SN with SN PLUS and API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving on the first licensing date must apply for licensing through the online application system at API will process applications in the order received, but the right to claim API licensing against the SN PLUS classification will not be allowed until the to-be-determined first licensing date. API will notify licensees when the online application system is ready to accept SN PLUS applications.  Licensed API SN with SN PLUS and API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving oils will not appear in the online API Directory until the first licensing date.  Marketers with licensed SN PLUS oils may use SN PLUS in the lower half of the API Donut beginning on the first licensing date.  Oils licensed by API as API SN with SN PLUS and Resource Conserving and ILSAC GF-5 are eligible to display the API Certification Mark Starburst. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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