ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION OIL, ENGINE, ILSAC GF-5, INITIAL AND SERVICE FILL, SAE 5W-20 WSS-M2C945-A OIL, ENGINE, ILSAC GF-5, INITIAL AND SERVICE FILL, SAE 5W-30 WSS-M2C946-A OIL, ENGINE, ILSAC GF-5, INITIAL AND SERVICE FILL, SAE 0W-20 WSS-M2C947-A 1. SCOPE These material specifications define the minimum acceptable performance requirements and physical/chemical properties of engine oils to be used by Ford Motor Company in its engine/vehicle manufacturing and service operations. 2. APPLICATION These specifications are released for initial fill and service fill engine oils used for lubrication of spark ignition engines using gasoline. The Documentation, Performance Requirements and Quality Control subsections of the Qualification Procedure para 3.4, apply only to engine oils supplied directly to Ford Motor Company 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers must conform to the Company's Standard Requirements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.2 PERFORMANCE Shall meet all the requirements of the “ILSAC GF-5 Minimum Performance Standard for Passenger Car Engine Oils" plus the following: All required engine tests shall be conducted in accordance with the most recently approved procedures as described in ASTM Standards and the applicable ASTM Standards Research Reports and Information Letters. All tests under surveillance by ASTM must be conducted using test equipment monitored by and calibrated to the requirements of the ASTM Test Monitoring Center. 3.3 PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 3.3.1 Physical Appearance and Odor Shall be clear and bright with no objectionable odor. 3.3.2 Contaminants Shall be free of carcinogens, toxins, metals not removed in refining or from previous use. --`,``,`,```,,`,,,,,,`,,`-`-``,```,,,`--- Date Action Revisions Rev. 01 2013 08 23 Revised See Summary of Revisions C. E. Richardson, NA 2010 07 30 Activated WSS-M2C945-A and WSS-M2C946-A C. E Richardson, NA Controlled document at Copyright © 2013, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of 9 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSS-M2C945-A WSS-M2C946-A WSS-M2C947-A 3.4 QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE 3.4.1 Documentation Supplier must furnish to Fuels and Lubricants Engineering a completed and certified copy of the attached Supplement A, test reports demonstrating full compliance with all the requirements of this specification and a copy of the final ACC Monitoring Agency summary, if available. The need for ACC registration of tests will be determined by Fuels and Lubricants Engineering. The copy of the ACC Monitoring Agency summary should be sent directly from Registration Systems Inc. to Fuels and Lubricants Engineering. The test reports must include results on both the candidate oil and the appropriate ASTM reference oils. The standard photographs of the test components are considered an essential part of the required test documentation. The oil sample code used for identification in each test document must be consistent. Any deviation in sample code uniformity must be explained and shown on the cover of each test report. --`,``,`,```,,`,,,,,,`,,`-`-``,```,,,`--- All tests must be certified by a qualified and authorized representative of the test facility. The supplier shall identify all the formulation changes and modifications that occurred in the test program that coincide with the tests listed in the ACC Monitoring Agency summary. Individual formulations should be listed in Supplement A, and for ACC registered tests, identified by the line item number and the formulation code. 3.4.2 "Read Across" Guidelines It is required that VG, VID and IIIGA or ROBO performance tests be conducted on the final formulation. However, exceptions may be permitted with supportive supplementary data on similar formulations to allow for final approval in the absence of complete testing. 3.4.3 Fleet Testing Materials which constitute a significant departure from conventional formulations, whether in base stocks, refining processes or additive packages, must be fleet tested, in addition to the requirements outlined herein. These tests must include the type(s) of service judged to be affected by the difference in formulation technology. Fuels and Lubricants Engineering should be consulted prior to testing. 3.4.4 Verifi

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