Group standard VW 50900 Issue 2018-06 Class. No.: 57221 Descriptors: SAE 0W-20, diesel engine, diesel particulate filter, engine oil, extended oil change intervals, fuel-saving, low-ash, reduced HTHS viscosity, service engine oil SAE 0W-20 Service Engine Oil with Reduced Ash Content and Special Fuel-Saving Properties for all Diesel Engines with Particulate Filters and Internal Regeneration Requirements, Testing Previous issues VW 50900: 2014-05 Changes The following changes have been made to VW 50900: 2014-05: – Title revised – Section "Testing for hazardous components/testing of substitutes as per VW 50156" deleted – Section 4.1 "Basic requirements" added – Table 3: some requirements deleted – Table 3, consec. no. 15 and Table 3, consec. no. 16: requirement on foaming characteristics added – Section "Fuel economy – requirements" deleted – Section 6.1 "Oxidation stability as per CEC L-109" added – Section 6.7 "Diesel sludge test as per PV 1800" added – Applicable documents updated – Further technical and editorial changes QUELLE: NOLIS Always use the latest version of this standard. Page 1 of 17 This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls. Technical responsibility The Standards department GQL-B/4 Bernd Holzmann Tel.: +49 5361 9 40566 GQL-B/4 Dr. Sven-Oliver Koßmehl Tel.: +49 5361 9 28508 K-ILI/5 Ute Hager-Suess K-ILI GQL-B Dr. Thomas Elfrath Tel.: +49 5361 9 49035 Uwe Wiesner All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. © Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2018-02 Page 2 VW 50900: 2018-06 Contents Page 1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2 2 Symbols and abbreviations ........................................................................................ 3 3 Designation ................................................................................................................ 3 4 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 3 4.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Shelf life ..................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Build sample approval ................................................................................................ 4 5 Requirements for viscosity, composition, and properties ........................................... 5 5.1 Viscosity ..................................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Composition and properties ....................................................................................... 5 6 Functional requirements ............................................................................................. 7 6.1 Oxidation stability as per CEC L-109 ......................................................................... 7 6.2 Elastomer compatibility .............................................................................................. 7 6.3 Wear protection test as per CEC L-099 ..................................................................... 8 6.4 Shear stability ............................................................................................................. 8 6.5 Testing in Volkswagen 1.9 l/81 kW/4-cylinder TDI diesel engine as per PV 1452 ..... 9 6.5.1 Approval procedure for approval as an oil test laboratory as per PV 1452 ................ 9 6.5.2 Approval procedure .................................................................................................... 9 6.5.3 Evaluation of results ................................................................................................. 10 6.5.4 Approval process ..................................................................................................... 11 6.6 Diesel particulate filter .............................................................................................. 11 6.6.1 Approval procedure fo

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